Monday, May 18, 2009

Victoria Day Parade Slideshow

The Victoria Day Parade marks the beginning of the summer tourist season in Victoria. Victoria Day commemorates the birthday of Queen Victoria of England and Canada has celebrated this occasion since 1834. Today the rain patiently waited until the afternoon to ensure that the morning march was a success. I love watching the parade. It's fun connecting with the nostalgic quirky energy of the community. Did anyone else attend the parade?


ms toast burner said...

Thanks for posting that!

I didn't go... I spent the day in my PJs lounging about - bliss! - but I could hear some on the bands and sirens from my place.

Looked colourful and fun! Since 1834!? I had no idea!

Benjamin Madison said...

You got some good shots here - I'm debating whether to post my photos of the Freemasons - they looked so much like the Blues Brothers with aprons....

Kathreen said...

Ha! One year the Freemasons sat in Mazda Miatas and drove around in the parade sqeeeeezed into these little cars. It was so endearing and funny. Another reason why I love the parade. Where else can you see this?